Parsec Card Emulator

by ACS Parsec



Use NFC enabled smarthone as a card with Parsec™ PNR-PXxx card readers!

Attention!This app operates on NFC enabled smartphones only with Parsec™ PNR-PXxx card readers!Application allows you to use smartphone in card emulation mode for EACS.Instead of standard card (e.g. Mifare) it uses unique device ID.Smartphone <-> Reader communication is secured with crypthography to prevent identifier clone.* Application works with PNR-Pxx and PNR-Xxx readers series only. Bank card readers (e.g. PNR-P19.B) dont operate with it.* Application should be started for appropriate work. Phone should not be in sleep mode for operation (screen should be active).* Application can be activated/deactivated using menu.Technical support:phone: +7 (495) 565-31-12email: [email protected]

Read trusted reviews from application customers

It does its job. Read the app description carefully.


no no no

Lubo Jivkov

Nice and simple. Pity my workplace have two kind of readers, one is so crappy it does not always read normal card, and ofc does not read emulation card. :(

Павел Шарипов